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Minimum Essential Hardwares to Farm (Mine) Chia Coin

The main thing about these cryptocurrencies is the hardware and resources needed to extract them. In this article, we will discuss this issue in detail.

Unlike other popular cryptocurrencies (which are now widely used in the capital market, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrencies based on proof-of-work algorithms), extracting Chia cryptocurrencies is only possible using a hard disk. But in Chia currency, this is not the case and you can use different types of high capacity hard drives such as: SSD or NVME hard drive, SAS hard drive and HDD hard drive, to extract this currency. You just have to have enough storage space to create and maintain the plots.


Chia Extraction Server Required

But what matters are the speed of the storage equipment and the power of the processor in the time it takes to create the plots. By storage equipment we mean hard drives and especially SSDs or NVMEs. More storage space means producing more plots and thus increasing revenue. A very important point to note before starting the extraction is that normal storage equipment is not built for the process of creating plots and reading and receiving the required information continuously. For this reason, we recommend that you use better hardware to do this.

HP server is the most suitable option for storage server. This server must have two CPUs and at least 16 GB of RAM. 

hard drive for mining

You Need to Use a SSD or HDD Hard Drive for Mining

HP server according to the hardware power and depending on the number and type of CPU that is installed on it, the amount of RAM can be supported and most importantly for currency mining, the number of hard drives and the model and size of the hard drive that is installed on it. Keep in mind that HP servers with the LFF part number can support high-capacity hard drives, or 3.5-inch HDDs.


Parts you need to start mining Chia currency:

To get started, we need a Z490 series motherboard that supports 10th generation Intel processors, and our minimum CPU is preferably i7, i9, and more series like Raizen and Xenon, the minimum generation we need is 9th generation and 10th generation. The best option in the Intel cpu core i9 series is the 10th generation, which is 10900tk. 10 of your cores in the mining and platting process need a core that has most of the cores in this processor, in fact, it has a mouth. There is a computing unit that we need 2 issues for each of our platforms, and for each of our platforms, it is better to provide 3.5 GB of free RAM and provide the hard drive as much as the budget and needs.


Hard drive required to extract Chia

You need two sets of hard drives to extract Chia currency. The first category is SSD or NVME hard drive which is responsible for making Chia plots and the second category HDD hard drive which is responsible for storing Chia plots.

Therefore, using an NVME SSD is a very good option. Because SSDs are designed for continuous use. Therefore, they increase the speed of creating new plots and reduce the probability of failure significantly. On the other hand, using regular hard drives reduces the payback time. For this reason, for more revenue in a short time, we recommend that you use fast SSDs with a capacity of at least 1 terabyte to build the plot and regular HDD hard drives with a capacity of at least 6 terabytes or more to store the plots.

Using high-capacity disks, in addition to consuming less power (for example, a 10TB hard drive consumes far less than using a 5TB hard drive) is also easier to install. You can also use external hard drives or external hard drives connected with a USB cable, network storage systems or NAS, etc. to store the plots.

In short, Chia currency generation does not require expensive graphics card accelerators. So using fast SSDs makes sense from all angles.


Miner power consumption to extract Chia

As mentioned above, the HP server is used for Mine Chia. Unlike Bitcoin miners and Atrium miners, these miners consume very little electricity, about 70% less than them. For example, a bitcoin miner model S9 consumes about 1300 watts of power. This is if the power consumption of the HP server is about 450 watts. HP servers consume different amounts of power depending on the number of hard drives you install on them. The higher number of drives, the higher the power consumption of that server.


Miner Noise extracting Chia currency

If you are using an HP server to extract Chia, the noise of the HP server still depends on the number of hard drives installed, the HP power server and its model. If we want to make this clearer so that you can understand it, consider this example: If we consider the human or radio talking sound in the background of 45 decibels and the bitcoin miner voice of the S9 series about 85 decibels, the noise of the HP server noise At least 45 decibels and up.

Important Note: If the installation temperature of the HP server is above 25°C, it will produce much more noise while reducing the life of the equipment.

The important point is that normal storage devices are not defined for this process. We do not recommend using ordinary hardware to extract Chia. We recommend that you use HP servers for storage. HP servers have two processors and at least 16 GB of RAM. Because they are reasonably priced, it is recommended to extract the Chiai currency. Since servers can install different processors on them, it is very suitable for extracting value. The more hard drives your server has, the more powerful it is. Therefore, Chia is more suitable for extracting currency, so you can extract more. And you can make more profit.


Minimum Mining XCH Hardware


Mine Chia Coin


Chia Extraction System


Chia SSD and HDD Hard Disks